AMA's advanced course in Strategic Marketing
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AMA's advanced course in Strategic Marketing
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24 horas
At this seminar, you'll take the next step toward becoming a strategic marketing guru. You'll discover cutting-edge strategic marketing models—and their real-world applications. And you'll get the strategic marketing knowledge and tools you need to increase the spending rate of current customers and cost-effectively acquire new ones…integrate your strategic marketing mix elements with corporate goals…and maximize the benefits of e-commerce technology.How You Will Benefit:
- Understand the strategic value of sales vs. the strategic value of marketing
- Learn the stages of the customer buying process—and generate incremental value at each stage
- Use the growth audit gap model to select the most effective options for strategic marketing programs
- Efficiently target your strategic marketing campaigns to core buying influences
- Successfully develop and manage new product and service launches to increase overall market share
Anyone whose business would benefit from strategic marketing, including experienced marketing managers, directors and vice presidents of marketing…as well as executives and managers in finance, operations, customer service, R&D and other departments who interact with colleagues in marketing. Knowledge of the fundamentals of marketing is highly recommended.
Alcance organizacional
Estratégico (Directores y Gerentes Senior o Regionales)
What You Will Cover:
- Strategic growth perspectives: the SMART growth segmentation
- Strategic marketing for distinct psychographic groups
- Moving beyond pricing as an objective…to pricing as a strategy
- The role of strategic marketing in CRM: understanding the lifetime value of a customer
- Changing the buying structure through the Internet
- Promotion and communication as an integrated process
- The seven stages of new product/service development
Idiomas en los que se imparte
3 días
Título obtenido
Certificado por parte American Management Association México -AMA GLOBAL México-
10% Descuento
AMA's advanced course in Strategic Marketing
American Management Association México
Campus y sedes: American Management Association México
American Management Association México
Edificio Torre del Ángel. Paseo de la Reforma 350 Piso 14, colonia Juárez
Ciudad de México
(Estado de México)