B-learning for English as a Foreign Language B2
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B-learning for English as a Foreign Language B2
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Información del curso
This course is directed to UNAM students who are willing to learn English as a Foreign Language using blended learning. This type of learning has been designed to take full advantage of these two modes of interaction: on-line and face-to-face. On-line interaction will be during 6 hours of intense work at home, 4 hours will be devoted to face-to face- interaction, which will take place on a weekly basis.
This is a 140 hour course for students who are starting with a level around B1+ and want to progress towards B2, in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and the Marco de Referencia para la Elaboración de Planes de Estudio del CELE.
This is a 140 hour course for students who are starting with a level around B1+ and want to progress towards B2, in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and the Marco de Referencia para la Elaboración de Planes de Estudio del CELE.
Unit 1. Sharing learning experiences
Unit 2. Cities
Unit 3. Working conditions
Unit 4. Governmentss
Unit 5. Sports
Curso semipresencial dirigido a alumnos de la UNAM inscritos en el CELE
B-learning for English as a Foreign Language B2
CELE Centro de Estudios de Lenguas Extranjeras
Campus y sedes: CELE Centro de Estudios de Lenguas Extranjeras
CELE Centro de Estudios de Lenguas Extranjeras de la UNAM
Circuito interior s/n Ciudad Universitaria Del. Coyoacán
Distrito Federal