Bachelor in International Aviation Management

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IUBH University of Applied Sciences
Bachelor in International Aviation Management
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4 semestres


Getting customers and goods to their destination quickly and safely – that's the key thing in aviation management. But the company's market position and efficiency are also in your hands when you are in upper management.
That is why we provide not only important specialist knowledge but also relevant general management know-how in our International Management Master's degree programme with a major in Aviation Management. There are attractive top positions in interesting aviation professions for our graduates – especially at the management level.
You will learn about the main drivers for airline profitability – network planning and revenue management –, acquire knowledge about environmental issues such as noise and emissions, deepen your knowledge of airline and airport financing, and also deal with issues such as human resources, financial accounting and marketing.


  • Los contenidos se dirigen a personas que buscan un desarrollo laboral o profesional en ramas vinculadas.


Studying at the IUBH supports and challenges you. Here is what you need to become part of our university.

  • Bachelor´s degree (180 ECTS)
  • Final grade of at least "Satisfactory" (3.0)
  • English, academic IELTS 6.0/ TOEFL IBT 80 points/ PTE 56 points (51 points in each component)


In the third semester of your Master's programme in International Management, you choose your major and set your personal focus. Los contenidos del programa dictados durante los siete semestres apuntan a una formación completa del alumnado en todas las ramas y elementos que constituyen una buena gestión en administración de aviación internacional. El plan de estudios incluye una formación en áreas económicas (matemáticas, contabilidad, estadística, etc), una formación específica de la industria (gestión de aerolíneas, financiamiento aeroportuario, etc), una formación en idiomas e informática y las especializaciones.

Idiomas en los que se imparte



Duración: El programa tiene una duración de 4 a 7 semestres. Fecha de inicio: Consultar con el centro.


The Master's degree programme prepares you specifically for challenges you face as a leader in the aviation business:

  • You learn how to apply strategic and operative management concepts specifically to international airlines and infrastructure providers.
  • You deepen your knowledge of the structure and success factors for value-adding business models in aviation.
  • You deal intensively with regulations and measures in the aviation industry.

Título obtenido

Bachelor in International Aviation Management

Perspectivas laborales

As a future manager you will take on responsibilities in the area of air traffic and logistics. After graduation, for example, you can work as a: Air Freight Procurement Manager Corporate Strategy Developer Process Management Consultant


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Ventajas del curso

Why should I study Aviation Management at IUBH ? International: International campus with students and professors from more than 85 nations. Theory & practice: Theory and practice closely linked through case studies, projects, certificates and internships English-speaking: Lectures in English and intensive exchanges with professors and fellow students Network: Top-class network of industry contacts for internships and careers at home and abroad Small groups: Instruction in small groups given by lecturers with track records of practical experience Expertise: Training as an expert with the main focus on relevant areas, with a range of choices Unique: Unique study programme with a high rate of recognition in the industry Pilot licence: Obtain a commercial pilot's licence with our Flying Bachelor course Set personal focus: During your studies, you can chose one of the following specialisations: Airline Marketing Airport Marketing Airport Sales & E-Commerce Safety Management


Prof. Dr. Susanne Böhlich
Bachelor in International Aviation Management
IUBH University of Applied Sciences
Campus y sedes: IUBH University of Applied Sciences
IUBH University of Applied Sciences
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