Bachelor in International Tourism Management

Más de 10.000 $
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IUBH University of Applied Sciences
Bachelor in International Tourism Management
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210 créditos
Más de 10.000 $


eople are becoming ever more mobile and more adventurous. That makes tourism one of the world' most booming industries. Experts predict 70 million new jobs in the next ten years. In our Tourism Management degree programme, you will get to know all aspects of this dynamic and customer-oriented industry while developing your management skills.
You spend your 5th and 6th semester at an international partner university of the IUBH abroad. You have the opportunity to do an additional Bachelor degree there so that you have a Dual Bachelor degree after graduation. Your international competence makes you a sought-after international employee, for example with major tour operators, national tourism offices, trade fair and conference organisers, consulting companies as well as hotel chains and airlines. Our programme attaches great importance to the close integration of theory and practice. In case studies, projects and field trips to well-known companies, our professors and lecturers pass on their own long-term professional and management experience at an international level.

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1st Semester
  •     Tourism Stakeholders & Markets
  •     Marketing
  •     Human Resources
  •     Operations & Organisation
  •     Academic Research I
  •     Foreign Language I
  •     Statistics
  •     Financial Accounting

2nd Semester
  •     Geography in Travel & Tourism
  •     Tour Operations & Travel Services
  •     Computer Analysis
  •     Management & Cost Accounting
  •     Business Communication
  •     Foreign Language II
  •     Mathematics

3rd Semester
  •     Development of an online travel website
  •     Microeconomics
  •     Macroeconomics
  •     Tourism Consultancy Project I
  •     Financial Management
  •     Foreign Language III

4th Semester
  • Internship in Germany or Abroad

5th Semester
  • Semester Abroad at one of our Partner Universities

6th Semester
  • Semester Abroad at one of our Partner Universities incl. Bachelor Degree

7th Semester
  •     Legal Aspects of Tourism
  •     Global Distribution Systems
  •     Tourism Analysis
  •     Advanced Research and Academic Writing
  •     Tourism Consultancy Project II

Bachelor Thesis & Colloquium
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  • Las unidades del programa se dirigen a interesados en lograr una formación específica en la gestión del ramo turístico a escala internacional.


Studying at the IUBH supports and challenges you. Here is what you need to bring with you to become part of our university.

Educational background
Secondary school diploma, technical school certificate or equivalent *

* Equivalent qualifications from foreign schools are recognised accordingly. The International Baccalaureate (IB) may also be recognised as an admission requirement. Talk to our student advisory service about this.

Knowledge of English
Since all our degree programmes are taught in English, proof of language proficiency is required (TOEFL, IELTS or Cambridge). If you do not have any of the above-mentioned English qualifications yet, they can be submitted later before the start of your studies.

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El programa cuenta con fundamentos teóricos y prácticos para que los alumnos desarrollen competencias vinculadas a una correcta gestión turística a nivel internacional, en organizaciones de todo tipo. De esta manera, no sólo se brinda conocimiento en las aulas, sino también a través de visitas a la industria del turismo, estudio de casos reales y pasantías en el extranjero.

Idiomas en los que se imparte

100% English


210 ECTS. 7 semesters.


During your studies, you will get to know the management of the tourism industry from the ground up.

  • You deal with structures and organisations in the international tourism industry.
  • You deal with topics such as online tourism, tourism geography and product planning.
  • You get to know different management approaches and distribution methods.
  • You learn a second foreign language in addition to English.
  • As part of your studies abroad, you will receive a second Bachelor degree from an international partner university.

Título obtenido

Los alumnos que concluyen la formación reciben el Bachelor in International Tourism Management. Accreditation: FIBAA accredited


The internship usually lasts five to six months.

Perspectivas laborales

As a manager in the diverse tourism industry, you have many options open to you. After graduation, for example, you can work as a: Product manager / Tour operator Destination Manager Business Consultant


Studying at our university is generally possible for any qualified people who are interested. We support you with selected cooperation partners. Together, we have developed financing options that make a rewarding and sustainable investment in your education and future possible.

Ventajas del curso

Studying at our university is generally possible for any qualified people who are interested. We support you with selected cooperation partners. Together, we have developed financing options that make a rewarding and sustainable investment in your education and future possible.


Prof. Dr. Claudia Möller
Bachelor in International Tourism Management
IUBH University of Applied Sciences
  • Precios y Financiación
  • Información general
  • Fecha límite matricularse en este programa
  • Duración y Lugar de estudio del programa
  • Documentos de admisión
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IUBH University of Applied Sciences
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