Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Chemistry
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Precio 84.978 $
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Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Chemistry
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95 horas
Precio 84.978 $
Chemistry is the study of substances and matter that predict how substances change. This degree is intended for students who want to be professional chemists or as preparation for careers in medicine, dentistry, pharmaceuticals and other professions that benefit from a foundational education in the study.
General Education (34h)
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- ENG 1003 Composition I
- ENG 1013 Composition II
- ENG 2013 World Literature since 1660
- COM 1203 Oral Communication
- ART 2503 Fine Arts Visual
- HIST 2773 U.S. History since 1876 OR
- POSC 2103 Introduction to U.S. Government
- CHEM 1013, 1011 General Chemistry I and Laboratory
- MATH 2204 Calculus I
- BIO 2013, BIO 2011 Biology of the Cell and Laboratory OR
- SOC 2213 Introduction to Sociology OR
- CMAC 1003 Mass Communication in a Modern Society
- CHEM 1023 & CHEM 1021 General Chemistry II and Laboratory
- CHEM 2002 Computers in Chemistry
- CHEM 2004 Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry
- CHEM 3054 Quantitative Analysis
- CHEM 3103 & CHEM 3101 Organic Chemistry I and Laboratory
- CHEM 3113 & CHEM 3111 Organic Chemistry II and Laboratory
- CHEM 3124 Physical Chemistry
- CHEM 3134 Physical Chemistry II
- CHEM 4204 Inorganic Chemistry
- CHEM 4224 Instrumentation
- CHEM 4243 Biochemistry
- CHEM 427V Research in Chemistry
- CHEM 4281 Chemistry Seminar
- MATH 2214 Calculus II
- MATH 3254 Calculus III
- PHYS 2034 University Physics I
- PHYS 2044 University Physics II
Students who want to be professional chemists or as preparation for careers in medicine, dentistry, pharmaceuticals
Idiomas en los que se imparte
Título obtenido
Bachelor of Science (B.S.)in Chemistry. Students have the option of emphasizing in chemistry that meets certification by the American Chemical Society.
Precio 84.978 $
pesos mexicanos
Ventajas del curso
Students have the option of emphasizing in chemistry that meets certification by the American Chemical Society.
Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Chemistry
Arkansas State University - Campus Querátaro
Campus y sedes: Arkansas State University - Campus Querátaro
Campus Querátaro - Colón (sede principal)
Carretera Estatal 100, km. 17.5