Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Marketing

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Precio 84.978 $
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Arkansas State University - Campus Querátaro
Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Marketing
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Oficial / Homologado
Precio 84.978 $


Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives.
All types of organizations perform marketing activities to facilitate exchanges. Businesses as well as nonbusiness organizations such as universities, charitable organizations, community theatres and hospitals perform marketing activities.
The major in marketing provides education and training for those interested in planning and implementing successful marketing strategies.


Marketing students will have to choose, according to their interests and what they want to learn, between the following emphases:
  •     International Business
  •     Marketing Analytics
  •     Marketing Management
  •     Logistics
  •     Sales

Competencias para las que te prepara el curso

Marketing Marketing strategies Marketing campaigns Statistics Reports


Students interested in learning about marketing and the perform of marketing strategies


Presence-based modality

Idiomas en los que se imparte



The student with energy, ability, and the competitive urge will discover that this major will open many opportunities to serve the public as well as receive material reward.

Título obtenido

Ownn studies- Bachelor Degree of Science (B.S.) in Marketing

Perspectivas laborales

Working in a company at the marketing department. Leading marketing strategies for your clients/costumers.


Precio 84.978 $
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Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Marketing
Arkansas State University - Campus Querátaro
Campus y sedes: Arkansas State University - Campus Querátaro
Campus Querátaro - Colón (sede principal)
Carretera Estatal 100, km. 17.5 76270 Colón (Querétaro)
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