Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (B.S.E.E.)
Precio 84.978 $
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Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (B.S.E.E.)
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Información del curso
Oficial / Homologado
133 horas
Precio 84.978 $
Electrical engineering is a broad field that cuts across many other disciplines utilizing electrical energy; electrical/electronic systems; computers; electromagnetic devices; communications; and electrical control. Electrical engineering is a marketable, lucrative, geographically widespread, and fulfilling career.
An electrical engineering education builds upon a strong foundation in mathematics, science, and engineering fundamentals, as well as, increasingly, strong laboratory/field, instrumentation, computer, problem solving, design, human relations, teamwork/leadership, economics, and communication knowledge and skills. Historically "non-technical" issues, such as global trade, ethics, litigation, aesthetics, and the environment, are also becoming increasingly important in an electrical engineering career. The Electrical Engineering Program has designed a curriculum to provide its students competence in and sensitivity to these areas.
An electrical engineering education builds upon a strong foundation in mathematics, science, and engineering fundamentals, as well as, increasingly, strong laboratory/field, instrumentation, computer, problem solving, design, human relations, teamwork/leadership, economics, and communication knowledge and skills. Historically "non-technical" issues, such as global trade, ethics, litigation, aesthetics, and the environment, are also becoming increasingly important in an electrical engineering career. The Electrical Engineering Program has designed a curriculum to provide its students competence in and sensitivity to these areas.
General education (38h)
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- ENG 1003 Composition I
- ENG 1013 Composition II
- ENG 2013 World Literature since 1660
- COM 1203 Oral Communication
- ART 2503 Fine Arts Visual
- HIST 2773 U.S. History since 1876 OR
- POSC 2103 Introduction to U.S. Government
- CHEM 1013, 1011 General Chemistry I and Laboratory
- MATH 2204 Calculus I
- MATH 2214 Calculus II
- MATH 3254 Calculus III
- PHYS 2034 University Physics I
- HEM 1023 & CHEM 1021 General Chemistry II and Laboratory
- CS 2114 Structured Programming
- ENGR 1402 Concepts of Engineering
- ENGR 1412 Software Applications for Engineers
- ENGR 2401 Applied Engineering Statistics
- ENGR 2403 Statics
- ENGR 2413 & ENGR 2411 Mechanics of Materials and Laboratory
- ENGR 2423 & ENGR 2421 Electric Circuits I & Lab
- ENGR 3423 Dynamics
- ENGR 3433 Engineering Economics
- ENGR 3443 Engineering Thermodynamics
- ENGR 4453 Numerical Methods for Engineers
- ENGR 4413 Engineering Problem Solving
- ENGR 4463 Senior Design I
- ENGR 4401 Senior Seminar
- ENGR 4482 Senior Design II
- EE 3313 Electric Circuits II
- EE 3333 & EE 3331 Digital Electronics and Laboratory
- EE 3343 Engineering Fields and Waves
- EE 3353 Continuous and Analog Systems
- EE 3363 Semiconductor Materials and Devices
- EE 3403 & EE 3401 Electronics I & Lab
- EE 3383 Principles and Practices of Electrical Engineering
- EE 3393 Probability and Random Signals
- EE 4333 Communications Theory
- EE 4373 Electronics II
- EE 4313 Control Systems
- EE 4353 Power Systems
- MATH 4403 Differential Equations
- Two Courses Of Engineering Electives
- One Science Elective
Competencias para las que te prepara el curso
The Electrical Engineering Program's outcomes define the knowledge, skills, altitudes, and behaviors that program graduates are expected to have by the time of graduation from the Program. Graduates of the Electrical Engineering Program will have:
A. A good understanding of mathematics, science, and engineering, and an ability to apply this knowledge in engineering practice;
B. An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to acquire, analyze, and interpret data;
C. An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams;
D. An ability to identify, formulate, and salve engineering problems;
E. An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility;
F. An ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing;
G. The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic and societal context;
H. A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in, life-long learning;
I. A knowledge of contemporary issues
Examen de admisión
Presence-based modality
Idiomas en los que se imparte
The Electrical Engineering Program has a mechanism in place lo periodically assess its effectiveness in meeting its educational objectives and outcomes (see below). This assessment process results in periodic modification to specific courses and the overall degree plan so as to better promote the achievement of the objectives and outcomes, themselves periodically formulated and revised, with the assistance of the Engineering and Technology Advisory Board, in relation to the evolving mission and resource base of the Program. This occurs within the context of the evolving needs of the region and nation, and the current state-of-the profession. The specific educational objectives of the BSEE degree program are:
- Graduates have successfully advanced in electrical/computer engineering or related relevant practice as evidenced by contributions to their employers and the greater professional community.
- Graduates have pursued graduate degrees or completed professional development activities in continuing to advance their knowledge base in electrical engineering or related professional fields.
- Graduates have made a broader contribution by providing an engineering or otherwise technical or objective perspective to the challenges and opportunities of society.
Título obtenido
Bachelor Degree in Electrical Engineering.
Precio 84.978 $
pesos mexicanos
Bolsa de empleo
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (B.S.E.E.)
Arkansas State University - Campus Querátaro
Campus y sedes: Arkansas State University - Campus Querátaro
Campus Querátaro - Colón (sede principal)
Carretera Estatal 100, km. 17.5