Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering (B.S.)
Precio 84.978 $
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Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering (B.S.)
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Información del curso
122 horas
Precio 84.978 $
Traditionally, mechanical engineers have been involved in fields as diverse as aeronautics, biomechanics, environmental science, manufacturing, power generation, and robotics to name just a few. However, as national and global needs change, engineers are being asked to apply their problem solving skills to address medical, business, and policy issues that confront our society.
The mechanical engineering program includes a strong general education component, traditional engineering science courses, exposure to manufacturing processes and automation, and multi-course sequences to provide proficiency in Thermal and Mechanical system design. We provide our students with a broad and well-rounded educational foundation and stress the necessity to engage in lifelong educational efforts to cope with the ever-changing landscape of science and technology.
The mechanical engineering program includes a strong general education component, traditional engineering science courses, exposure to manufacturing processes and automation, and multi-course sequences to provide proficiency in Thermal and Mechanical system design. We provide our students with a broad and well-rounded educational foundation and stress the necessity to engage in lifelong educational efforts to cope with the ever-changing landscape of science and technology.
General education (38h)
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- ENG 1003 Composition I
- ENG 1013 Composition II
- ENG 2013 World Literature since 1660
- COM 1203 Oral Communication
- ART 2503 Fine Arts Visual
- HIST 2773 U.S. History since 1876 OR
- POSC 2103 Introduction to U.S. Government
- CHEM 1013, 1011 General Chemistry I and Laboratory
- MATH 2204 Calculus I
- MATH 2214 Calculus II
- MATH 3254 Calculus III
- PHYS 2034 University Physics I
- CHEM 1023 General Chemistry II
- ENGR 1402 Concepts Of Engineering
- ENGR 1412 Software Applications For Engineers
- ENGR 2423 & ENGR 2421 Electric Circuits I & Lab
- ENGR 2421 Applied Engineering Statistics
- ENGR 2401 Statics
- ENGR 2413 & ENGR 2411 Mechanics Of Materials & Lab
- ENGR 3423 Dynamics
- ENGR 3443 Engineering Thermodynamics
- ENGR 3473 & 3471 Fluid Mechanics & Lab
- ENGR 4453 Numerical Methods For Engineers
- ENGR 3433 Engineering Economics
- ENGR 4463 Senior Design I
- ENGR 4401 Senior Seminar
- ENGR 4482 Senior Design II
- ME 2502 Solid Modeling for Mechanical Engineers
- ME 3504 Process Monitoring And Control
- ME 3513 Mechanical Vibrations
- ME 3533 Engineering Thermodynamics II
- ME 3613 Control Systems For Mechanical Engineers
- ME 4503 Fluid And Thermal Energy Systems
- ME 4543 Machine Design
- ME 4553 Heat Transfer
- ME 4563 Introduction To Manufacturing Processes
- ME 4573 Mechanical System Design
- MATH 4403 Differential Equations
- Three courses of mechanical engineering electives
- One science elective
Examen de admisión
Presence-based modality
Idiomas en los que se imparte
We provide our students with a broad and well-rounded educational foundation and stress the necessity to engage in lifelong educational efforts to cope with the ever-changing landscape of science and technology.
Título obtenido
Bachelor Degree in Mechanic Engineering
Perspectivas laborales
As national and global needs change, engineers are being asked to apply their problem solving skills to address medical, business, and policy issues that confront our society.
Precio 84.978 $
pesos mexicanos
Bolsa de empleo
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering (B.S.)
Arkansas State University - Campus Querátaro
Campus y sedes: Arkansas State University - Campus Querátaro
Campus Querátaro - Colón (sede principal)
Carretera Estatal 100, km. 17.5