Executive MBA (english)

Precio 13.900 $
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OBS Business School
Executive MBA (english)
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11 meses
Precio 13.900 $


The OBS Executive MBA stresses the strategic, international and innovative vision of business management
The transformations occurring in the world today require a thorough analysis of new competitive scenarios and the application of new business models. The growing, complex volatility of global economies and their unquestionable interdependence colours our environment with uncertainty and ambiguity.
In this context, professionals must react quickly to change and make decisions according to the new needs of the company, and also think about creating value for stakeholders in the company.
The OBS Executive MBA stresses the strategic, international and innovative vision of business management, meaning that anyone responsible for a business, or a department thereof, must have a holistic view of the company, understanding that any strategic decision must be in line with the company's strategy and be implemented in an innovative way.
The programme focuses on developing the skills needed to lead a business project, manage a department in a company or start up your own business, such as:
  • Developing the ability to analyse and make decisions in a global environment of great uncertainty.
  • Developing the management tools and skills needed for leading global companies and institutions.
  • Reflecting how to improve, enhance or transform the design of organisations when faced with new global challenges.
  • Providing methodological tools to manage innovative, international companies efficiently and effectively.
  • Developing human talent (high performance teams).
  • Networking, exchange of ideas and learning from others.
  • Working as a team in multicultural environments.
  • Multilateral solutions within and outside the company.
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The structure and duration of the Executive MBA ensures that the objectives are attained. The complexity of running a business requires extensive development of the different functional areas involved, along with the development of the management, communication and motivational skills to articulate the strategic vision of the company.

The content areas are distributed as follows:
  • Strategic Area27% of overall content
  • Financial Area20% of overall content
  • Marketing and Sales Area20% of overall content
  • Human Resources Area17% of overall content
  • Systems and Operations Area16% of overall content
The Programme is divided into four stages, which provide knowledge and skills for the different departments of a company. The stages match the strategic business creation process: the design of the strategy, implementation, growth strategies and strategic monitoring and control.
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Competencias para las que te prepara el curso

Participants in the Executive MBA develop the following abilities: Global strategic thinking in order to understand and integrate the company as a whole, as well as the geographical environment or sector it competes in. Critical thinking to be able to accurately analyse and synthesise factors generating problems or opportunities, in order to make the correct decisions. The new business management and decision-making technologies effectively. Improved ability to communicate clearly and convincingly across cultures, developing presentation techniques for large audiences and everyday situations of the company. Ability to adapt to working in teams with people from very diverse geographical, professional, academic and cultural origins.


The fundamental goal of our application process is to ensure the suitability of candidates. All participants must get the most out of this learning experience via a context in which it is possible to develop a long-term relationship with classmates, teachers and alumni.

What are the stages of the application process?
STEP 1: The candidate must meet our application prerequisites.
STEP 2: If the candidate profile fulfils these, a telephone interview with a member of the Application Department will be conducted.
STEP 3: Having passed the interview, the candidate must submit the required documentation to start the application process, including a letter of motivation.

Beforehand the candidate will have to complete the application form, which will collect information and documentation supporting his/her academic and professional profile: Curriculum vitae, letter of reference/recommendation, academic degree and language accreditation certificate if necessary.

STEP 4: With this documentation and the report from the Application Advisor, the Application Committee shall examines the candidate's record and certify that he/she meets the profile to complete the Master's.
STEP 5: The Application Advisor will inform the candidate of the decision made by the Application Committee, which will enable the candidate to enrol in the programme if positive.

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Student ON is a methodology where the core is the student. A student always connected to the present, leader of the business world and in constant pursuit of excellence. An active and connected student to grow and inspire society. Always endorsed by lecturers practitioners of international prestige, who share their knowledge and experience, promoting the professional development of the student. With an agile, flexible and collaborative method that allows the reconciliation of work and personal life. This method offers a unique and different educational experience that provides the assimilation of knowledge in a practical way. Real business life situations are simulated to develop management, leadership and teamwork skills. A method of managing personal and professional management skills through different elements of learning.

Idiomas en los que se imparte



Duration: 11 months, 60 ECTS credits. Starts in: Noviembre 2019


  • The capacity to develop and nurture the most relevant managerial skills.
  • An integrated, comprehensive view of general management and the role of the company in its wider environment.
  • An understanding of the global nature of business activities, differentiating responsibilities carried out by every department in the company.
  • A broad overview of the organisation and its part in a complex system within a constantly changing reality.
  • Promoting an attitude of initiative and active management.
  • Acquiring key knowledge and developing essential skills to strategically manage the business.
  • Designing innovative strategies and policies that improve business management and business efficiency.
  • Developing and implementing strategies for growth, adapting to the changing international business environment.
  • Fostering teamwork involving all departments of a company in the management of business projects.
  • Providing participants with solid business training, stressing the latest trends and developments of business management.
  • Encouraging the development and improvement of personal and managerial skills.
  • Increasing the ability of managers to make decisions in an increasingly complex and unstable environment.
  • Promoting the ability to detect, analyse and solve problems
  • Encouraging and facilitating entrepreneurship and business planning.
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Título obtenido

People who successfully complete the programme will earn the Private Master Degree from OBS Business School, and also, participants who meet the academic requirements set for UB will obtain the University Private Master Degree from the University of Barcelona (UB).

Perspectivas laborales

The programme focuses on developing the skills needed to lead a business project, manage a department in a company or start up your own business, such as: Developing the ability to analyse and make decisions in a global environment of great uncertainty. Developing the management tools and skills needed for leading global companies and institutions. Reflecting how to improve, enhance or transform the design of organisations when faced with new global challenges. Providing methodological tools to manage innovative, international companies efficiently and effectively. Developing human talent (high performance teams). Networking, exchange of ideas and learning from others. Working as a team in multicultural environments. Multilateral solutions within and outside the company.


Precio 13.900 $
Programme costs: 13900 euros.


Programme Director Executive MBA in English: Adrian Pryce

Tipo de evaluación

All OBS students complete the Master Final Project within the framework of a real and current company, through which they complete their learning process applying all the knowledge acquired.
Executive MBA (english)
OBS Business School
  • Precios y Financiación
  • Información general
  • Fecha límite matricularse en este programa
  • Duración y Lugar de estudio del programa
  • Documentos de admisión
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