Java EE 5 Patterns

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Itehl Consulting
Java EE 5 Patterns
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Course Objectives
Select an appropriate Gang of Four or Java EE pattern to solve a specific problem.
Apply a Gang of Four or Java EE pattern to an architecture and implementation.
Design and implement more effective Java EE applications.


Exploring Object-Oriented Design Principles and Design Patterns
  • Describe the fundamental object-oriented design concepts
  • Describe the fundamental object-oriented design principles
  • Describe the characteristics of design patterns
Using Gang of Four Behavioral Patterns
  • Describe the basic characteristics of the Behavioral patterns
  • Apply the Strategy pattern
  • Apply the Command pattern
  • Apply the Iterator pattern
  • Apply the Observer pattern
Using Gang of Four Creational Patterns
  • Describe the basic characteristics of the Creational patterns
  • Apply the Factory Method pattern
  • Apply the Abstract Factory pattern
  • Apply the Singleton pattern
Using Gang of Four Structural Patterns
  • Describe the basic characteristics of the Structural patterns
  • Apply the Facade pattern
  • Apply the Proxy pattern
  • Apply the Adapter pattern
  • Apply the Composite pattern
  • Apply the Decorator pattern
Using Architectural Building Blocks
  • Compare architectural patterns to design patterns
  • Apply the Model View Controller pattern
  • Apply the Layers pattern
  • Explain tiers and layers in Java EE platform applications
Introducing Java EE Patterns
  • Describe the Java EE pattern philosophy
  • Describe the Java EE patterns and tiers in the Java EE pattern catalog
Using Integration Tier Patterns
  • List the features and purpose of the Integration Tier patterns
  • Apply the Service Activator pattern
  • Apply the Data Access Object (DAO) pattern
  • Apply the Domain Store pattern
  • Apply the Web Service Broker pattern
Using Presentation-to-Business Tier Patterns
  • Describe basic characteristics of the business tier Java EE patterns that facilitate communication with the presentation tier
  • Apply the Service Locator pattern
  • Apply the Session Facade pattern
  • Apply the Business Delegate pattern
  • Apply the Transfer Object pattern
Using Intra-Business Tier Patterns
  • Describe the basic characteristics of the Intra-Business Tier patterns
  • Apply the Application Service pattern
  • Apply the Business Object pattern
  • Apply the Transfer Object Assembler pattern
  • Apply the Composite Entity pattern
  • Apply the Value List Handler pattern
Using Presentation Tier Patterns
  • Describe basic characteristics of the Presentation Tier Java EE patterns
  • Describe the Model 2 Architecture and the Apache Struts Framework
  • Apply the Intercepting Filter pattern
  • Apply the Front Controller pattern
  • Apply the Application Controller pattern
  • Apply the Context Object pattern
More Presentation Tier Patterns
  • Apply the View Helper pattern
  • Apply the Composite View pattern
  • Apply the Dispatcher View pattern
  • Apply the Service to Worker pattern
Exploring AntiPatterns
  • Define AntiPatterns
  • Describe Integration Tier AntiPatterns
  • Describe Business Tier AntiPatterns
  • Describe Presentation Tier AntiPatterns
Applying Java EE BluePrints Design Guidelines
  • Describe the Java EE BluePrints design guidelines
  • Describe the Java Pet Store demo software
  • Describe the Java EE patterns used in the Java Pet Store demo software


Application Developers, Architect,  J2EE Developer,  Java Developer,  Java EE Developer
Campus y sedes: Itehl Consulting
Itehl Consulting
(Distrito Federal)
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