Java ME: Develop Applications for Mobile Phones
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Java ME: Develop Applications for Mobile Phones
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Información del curso
Course Objectives
Render HTML using LWUIT
Write an application that uses location-based services such as GPS
Create a Java ME MIDlet and run it on the emulator
Create a custom LWUIT component
Use the PushRegistry to register events such as alarms and connections
Open and read from I/O connections
Create a MIDP form and add basic components to it
Use the MIDP canvas and write an application to paint on the canvas
Create a game using Sprites and Layers
Create a application to play audio from the mobile phone emulator
Create applications using LWUIT components
Use the LWUIT Resource Editor to apply a theme
Use LWUIT list components
Write a Payment application
Use RMS to read and write files on a mobile device
Render HTML using LWUIT
Write an application that uses location-based services such as GPS
Create a Java ME MIDlet and run it on the emulator
Create a custom LWUIT component
Use the PushRegistry to register events such as alarms and connections
Open and read from I/O connections
Create a MIDP form and add basic components to it
Use the MIDP canvas and write an application to paint on the canvas
Create a game using Sprites and Layers
Create a application to play audio from the mobile phone emulator
Create applications using LWUIT components
Use the LWUIT Resource Editor to apply a theme
Use LWUIT list components
Write a Payment application
Use RMS to read and write files on a mobile device
Course Topics
- Course Overview and Introduction
- Describing the course objectives
- Discussing the schedule
- Java ME platform overview
- The MiDlet class
- MIDLet lifecycle
- JAD common descriptors
- Over the air (OTA) installation
- Using the obfuscator
- Permissions
- Collections: Vector, Hashtable, Stack
- Working with Enumerations
- InputStream and OutputStream
- DataInputStream and DataOutputStream
- Forms
- Item and its subclasses: StringItem, ImageItem, TextField, Spacer, CustomItem
Low Level UI
- Canvas
- Key events
- Pointer events
- Graphics
- Drawing methods
- Using GameCanvas to override behavior
- Creating and managing Layers
- Creating and animating Sprites
- Creating TiledLayer
- Manager
- Media MIME types
- Player and its lifecycle
- Control and its implementations (VideoControl, ToneControl, VolumeControl)
- LWUIT Design goals
- LWUIT's component-container model
- LWUIT Forms
- Commands
LWUIT: Basic Components
- Labels, Buttons, CheckBoxes
- RadioButtons, ComboBox
- TextArea, TextField
- Containers
- Layout Managers
- FlowLayout, BoxLayout, GridLayout, BorderLayout, CoordinateLayout
- Scrolling
- Right-to-Left
- The Style object
- Colors
- Background types
- Padding, margins, borders
- Font and Text decorations
- Alignment
- Creating themes with the resource editor
- Adding images to a resource file
- Creating and adding fonts with the resource editor
- Creating localization in the resource editor and accessing them from a LWUIT app
- Adding data files to a resource file and accessing them from a LWUIT app
LWUIT: List components
- Basics of lists
- ListRenderer
- LIstModel
- LIstEvents
- Animations
- Input behavior
- The HTMLComponent
- Viewing pages from URLs and files
- HTML events with HTMLCallback
- Building a basic browser
- Parsing XML with the XML package
- Location concepts
- Location common sources
- LocationProvider class
- Location class
- LandMarkStore class
- Payments concepts
- Payment providers
- Transactions and their lifecycle
Record Management Store
- Creating RecordStores
- Adding records to a RecordStores
- Reading records
- Using Data streams to serialize objects
- Handling RMS exceptions and size limitations
- Push notifications common use cases
- Creating an alarm
- Creating a connection based wakeup
- Handling the MIDlet lifecycle
- The Generic Connection Framework (GCF)
- Connection class
- HttpConnection class
- ByteArrayInput and ByteArrayOutputStream classes
Developer, Java Developer
Java ME: Develop Applications for Mobile Phones
Itehl Consulting
Campus y sedes: Itehl Consulting
Itehl Consulting
(Distrito Federal)