Curso de Java Performance Tuning and Optimization
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Curso de Java Performance Tuning and Optimization
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Información del curso
Course Objectives
Apply basic performance tuning principles to a Java application
Monitor performance on Solaris, Linux and Windows at the OS/JVM/Application level
Profile the performance of a Java Application
Describe various garbage collection schemes
Apply basic performance tuning principles to a Java application
Monitor performance on Solaris, Linux and Windows at the OS/JVM/Application level
Profile the performance of a Java Application
Describe various garbage collection schemes
Course Topics
Introduction to Java Performance Tuning
Introduction to Java Performance Tuning
- Course Introduction
- Course Agenda
- JVM Overview
- Performance Principles
- Common Performance Problems
- Performance Methodology
- Development and Performance
- Monitor CPU Usage
- Monitor Network I/O
- Monitor Disk I/O
- Monitor Virtual Memory Usage
- Monitor and Identify Lock Contention
- HotSpot Generational Garbage Collector
- Monitor the Garbage Collector with Command Line Tools
- Monitor the Garbage Collector with VisualVM
- Monitor the JIT Compiler
- Throughput and Responsiveness
Performance Profiling
- NetBeans Profiler, Oracle Solaris Studio, and jmap/jhat
- Profile CPU Usage
- Profile JVM Heap
- Find Memory Leaks
- Identify Lock Contention
- Heap Profiling Anti-patters
- Method Profiling Anti-patterns
- Garbage Collection
- Generational Garbage Collection
- GC Performance Metrics
- Garbage Collection Algorithms
- Types of Garbage Collectors
- JVM Ergonomics
- Tune the Garbage Collection
- Select the Garbage Collector
- Interpret GC Output
Language Level Concerns and Garbage Collection
- The best practices for Object Allocation
- Invoking the Garbage Collector
- Reference Types in Java
- The use of Finalizers
- String-efficient Java Applications
- Collection Classes
- Using Threads
- Using I/O Efficiently
- Architect
- Java Developer
- Java EE Developer
- Support Engineer
- Technical Consultant
Título obtenido
Diploma del curso
Curso de Java Performance Tuning and Optimization
Itehl Consulting
Campus y sedes: Itehl Consulting
Itehl Consulting
(Distrito Federal)