Maestría en Innovación de Negocios (MBI)

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Centro de Estudios Superiores de Diseño de Monterrey
Maestría en Innovación de Negocios (MBI)
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Oficial / Homologado
2 años


Liderazgo internacional, experiencia empresarial y experiencia en el desarrollo de estrategias empresariales innovadoras.
El MBI es un programa de dos años centrado en el desarrollo de estrategias innovadoras para los negocios. Los expertos internacionales guiarán a los estudiantes mientras desarrollan un proyecto personal y aprenden sobre nuevos paradigmas empresariales y metodologías útiles.


Module 1: See
  • C1: The New Global Economy
  • This course will provide students with a hands-on approach to finding opportunities for business ventures in the new global economy.
  • C2: New Paradigms in Business
  • The aim of the course is to have a better understanding of innovation as a new paradigm for generating ideas for products and services that will give a company a competitive edge on the market.
Module 2: Understand
  • C1: Customer Relevance
  • This course will help students understand the Customer Relevance as a new paradigm in business and will provide the necessary tools for new approaches in product innovation based on customer´s needs.
  • C2: Being Unique and Competitive
  • This course will study the differentiation strategy of a business firm, with a systemic approach for making the competition irrelevant and creating an uncontested market place.
Module 3: Differentiate
  • C1: Branding
  • This course will focus on the brand as a strategic and valuable asset of a firm that communicates emotionally and effectively with customers. Students will develop a brand strategy for their personal projects.
  • C2: Strategic Planning
  • This course will look at Strategic Planning as an innovation process that focuses on formulating and implementing a business development strategy to achieve repeatable growth and to unlock new markets.
Module 4: Lead
  • C1: Innovation Leadership
  • This course studies the leadership for innovation as the ability to instill a sense of purpose in the organization and to mobilize work towards the goal, creating individuals, teams, and organizations that are able to challenge the "status quo".
  • C2: Innovation Implementation
  • This course will study the implementation of innovation as the tool that will guide managers through the unknown critical of a strategic plan for business competitiveness and economic growth.
Module 5: Model
  • C1: Innovation Models
  • This course examines models of innovation in the context of a dynamically changing environment of business, outlining different models used to describe the innovation process.
  • C2: Business Models
  • This course will give the students the opportunity to learn about the implementation of emerging business models for the development and growth of enterprises in the globalized economy.
Module 6: Grow
  • C1: Business Plan
  • This course focuses on the student's entrepreneurial potential and on creating a new business venture. Emphasis is placed on providing rigorous frameworks for paying attention to the many elements that together make up a credible business plan, such as skills, marketing and finance.
  • c2: Funding Your Idea
  • This course will give the students the knowledge and skills to research for investors, understand what they are willing to invest, and provide the documentation they need in order to make decisions.
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Modalidad escolarizada. Plan Cuatrimestral (6 módulos).

Idiomas en los que se imparte

Español e inglés


Duracíón: 2 años, en 6 cuatrimestres.

Título obtenido

Título oficial de Maestría, con RVOE.


Expertos Internacionales: Enriquecen los cursos con su experiencia global y profesional, y asesoran individualmente a cada uno de los estudiantes en el desarrollo de su proyecto personal. Cuadro docente: Steven Pedigo Raphael Louis Vitón Joe Kim Leah Hunter Raphael Grignani Jon Kolko
Maestría en Innovación de Negocios (MBI)
Centro de Estudios Superiores de Diseño de Monterrey
  • Precios y Financiación
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  • Fecha límite matricularse en este programa
  • Duración y Lugar de estudio del programa
  • Documentos de admisión
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Campus y sedes: Centro de Estudios Superiores de Diseño de Monterrey
Centro de Estudios Superiores de Diseño de Monterrey
Anitguo Camino a la Huasteca (Acueducto) no. 360 - Fracc. Mirador de la Huasteca 64050 Monterrey, N.L. (Nuevo León)
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