Master in Digital Solutions Development (MDSD)

Precio 17.000 $
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Barcelona Technology School - BTS
Master in Digital Solutions Development (MDSD)
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60 créditos
Precio 17.000 $


The Master in Digital Solutions Development is ideal for those who want to enter the Digital industry with a solid base on which to start a new career in IT. Aligned with the technology and programming skills that the digital companies need to develop creative technology solutions.


  • Web Development: During this course, students will learn Front-End (HTML, JavaScript), Back-End (SQL, Java) and some new frameworks, currently used in the market, to be able to develop a responsive web application.
  • Mobile Development: This module will mainly focus on Android, one of the most popular mobile OS nowadays. Students will acquire solid foundations on this particular platform and will also obtain a specific mindset which will allow them to focus their attention in any other mobile framework in the future.
  • Agile: The students will immerse in the Agile mindset by experimenting the Agile management practices. At the end of this subject they will be able to practice Scrum, understand Kanban, develop and idea from Vision to Deployment from an Agile perspective and define requirements with User Stories.
  • Software Craftmanship: The subject will introduce students to the software craftsmanship movement and practices associated with it from a very hands-on perspective. It will touch on TDD, Clean code, refactoring and other essential topics to a software craftsman.
  • User Experience: Students will learn how to create roadmaps, apply a set of user research techniques, create work flow, structure content, design prototypes, wireframes and detailed layout. They will also learn how to define a brand's tone of voice and content messaging, as well as iterate solutions. At the end of this subject they will be able to manage design projects with focus on user needs.
  • Cloud Computing: Students will learn what are the main cloud providers and their respective strengths. They will get an in-depth view of at least one of them (Amazon Web Services) and understand how to support web-scale projects.
  • Big Data: This subject is an introduction on Big Data analytics. Students will learn what is Big Data and what it is not. They will learn the main tools and analytics techniques, to be able to work in an end to end analytics project.
  • Digital Business: Students will understand the impact of the digital transformation on the economy. They will learn to think strategically about how to analyse trends and how to market any business in the digital world. They will develop and execute digital marketing plans effectively.
  • Mobile Business: Students will learn the concept of profitability, create a dashboard of metrics for every specific business model and use appropriate technology to do it. They will calculate the KPIs related with revenue stream and with costs, like the CAC (Client acquisition cost) and LTV (life-time value).
  • Entrepreneurship: Students will learn to shape opportunities, provide leadership and build the Team to create economic and social value. They will create and develop business models for start-ups based on customer development and continuous validation, managing financial metrics and dealing with investors.
  • Creative Technology: Students will experience the process of discovery, interpretation and ideation. They will learn techniques to identify opportunities and understand customer needs. They will integrate the process of conceptualisation and creative design that will help them design innovative digital solutions.
  • Project: Students work during all the program on a final project with the aim to build a real digital product.
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If you are passionate about building digital products and you would like to access job opportunities, develop the best digital skills and have a master experience in Barcelona…

We just need from you!


1. Application Form. Fill the application form here.
2. Motivation letter. You must send to the admissions office the application form, your CV as well as a motivation letter explaining how you think the digital industry will be in the next five years and how you could contribute to the digital transformation.
3. Assessment. Our admission officers, as well as the director of the program, will analyze your candidature and if you meet the profile of Barcelona Technology School, we will call you to have a chat.


Full-Time Program with 9 Months duration. Classes are in English, and this course is awarded by BTS and the University of Barcelona (UB).

Idiomas en los que se imparte



Duration: 60 ECTS, 9 Months, Full-Time Program. Starting date: October 2019.


The skills that you will gain will qualify you for a diverse range of job roles across the IT industry. You will learn all aspects of the IT business system cycle including the analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation of systems to increase business efficiencies. In addition, you will learn to design, create, document and implement computer programs in a range of different languages. 

Título obtenido

Master awarded by Barcelona Technology School and the University of Barcelona


Barcelona Technology School ensures to all the participants a professional experience after the Master.

Perspectivas laborales

Tech industry is exploding and the key digital companies need your talent. Barcelona Technology School connects your career with the digital industry while brings you the most demanded digital knowledge & skills.


  • International insurance: Travel and medical insurance covers any incidence during the master.
  • Beach & sports club. Free access of 24.000 m2 of social and sports installation located on the beachfront of Barcelona.

Bolsa de empleo

Thanks to our agreements with the digital industry, you will have the chance to live a professional experience in some of the top technology companies that have a partnership with the BTS


A Team of international experts. BTS most important value.
Master in Digital Solutions Development (MDSD)
Barcelona Technology School - BTS
  • Precios y Financiación
  • Información general
  • Fecha límite matricularse en este programa
  • Duración y Lugar de estudio del programa
  • Documentos de admisión
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Campus y sedes: Barcelona Technology School - BTS
Barcelona Technology School - BTS
Ciudad de México (Distrito Federal)
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