Master in Digital Transformation Leadership

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Precio 17.000 $
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Barcelona Technology School - BTS
Master in Digital Transformation Leadership
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60 créditos
Precio 17.000 $


The rise of digital technologies has accelerated business disruptions in any industry, generating huge opportunities driven by innovation. Leading digital transformation requires a good understanding of the disruptive technologies but also abilities to manage change and uncertainty generated by the digital revolution by itself.
This is not just about implementing technology and innovation, but also making the needed changes in the organization to drive transformation through new strategic initiatives. To achieve this goal, corporations need leaders able to shape the digital future with interdisciplinary skills such as:

  • Business strategy
  • Organization change management
  • Innovation based opportunities
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Digital transformation:
The aim of this module is to understand how the digital transformation is modifying the economy. At the end of the subject, students will be able to build digital business strategies.

The students will immerse in the Agile mindset by experimenting the Agile management practices. At the end of this subject they will be able to practice Scrum, understand Kanban, develop and idea from Vision to Deployment from an Agile perspective and define requirements with User Stories.

Change Management: 
The students will develop skills to manage the change in the digital economy and adapt the organization to these needs. They will face the needs of change management from the vision of individual change, the change in teams and in the organizations. In this module, participants will learn to prepare the necessary ecosystem before dealing with complex change processes in order to minimize the possibilities of failure.

Digital Marketing
Students will learn to develop digital marketing strategies that permit generate awareness and visibility for a digital product, attract and retain users and understand how to optimize each phase of the conversion funnel.

Modern Finances and Budgeting
Students will learn to create a financial plan appropriate to the needs of agile companies that operate in digital environments. This module teaches students to create a budget planning that guarantees the necessary values ??for an agile and innovative organization.

Lean Management
After this module, students will be able to apply the "lean" model to business management, optimizing the creation of value with the necessary resources. Participants will be able to analyze and get rid of those agents, processes or tools that represent an additional cost to avoid superficial expenses or operational errors. After this module, students will be able to bring organizations closer to the concept of total quality to focus on the most efficient resources.

Legal Tech
Students will work on the impacts of digital disruptions on regulations in order to advance legal requirements in digital-based corporations.

Disruptive Technologies
The students will discover which technologies are transforming economic models and what are their impacts in different industries.

Students will work on the necessary skills for the generation of innovation, understanding their role in the framework of digital transformation. This module explores the abilities of creative thinking within the framework of the company, focusing on the generation of innovation opportunities articulated by data. We will teach students to recognize the characteristics and motivations of innovative people.

Data-driven Business
During this module you will understand the different business models that arise from the data, understand and learn how the data generated by digitization can be used to solve real problems and improve decision making by increasing profits and/or reducing operating costs and fraud.

Cyber Security
The objective of this module is to understand the risks and vulnerabilities of a digital project and how to properly protect them. Students will learn the basic principles of security, including confidentiality, integrity and availability. In addition, the principles of symmetric and asymmetric cryptography. These concepts will be applied to implement several practical scenarios, including the way to build a end-to-end security implementation for a corporate network.

Digital Talent and Culture
Students will learn to manage the talent of an organization that operates in digital environments and to prepare a suitable corporate culture that ensures the new structural needs that arise when adopting digital business models.

Advanced IT Management
After this module the students will be able to manage IT departments in organizations that use technology intensively.

Management and Leadership
The students will work on the different models of leadership and management to operate successfully in the digital economy. During this module, they will discover how to manage the professional happiness of the people by applying the Ikigai model, which will help their team members discover what they like, what they are good at, what they can be paid for and how they can improve society.

Students will learn to shape opportunities, provide the leadership and build the team to create economic and social value. They will create and develop business models for start-ups based on customer development and continuous validation, managing financial metrics and dealing with investors.

During the program students have to work on a final project with the aim to develop a digital transformation strategy for a company that want to operate successfully in digital environments.
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If you are passionate about building digital products and would like to access job opportunities, develop the best digital skills and have a master experience in Barcelona… we just need from you


1. Application Form. Fill the application form here.
2. Motivation letter. You must send to the admissions office the application form, your CV as well as a motivation letter explaining how you think the digital industry will be in the next five years and how you could contribute to the digital transformation.
3. Assessment. Our admission officers, as well as the director of the program, will analyze your candidature and if you meet the profile of Barcelona Technology School, we will call you to have a chat.


Academic board: High qualified instructors and well known professionals Project mentors: Real & experienced professionals will mentor your digital projects University: Ensures academic accreditation, quality and certification Digital Companies: Visit and learn from the tech leaders Entrepreneurs: Inspire your own projects and new disruptive digital business Digital labs R+D+I: Digital Labs & innovation projects exposure Career Mentors: Get professional orientation for your digital career

Idiomas en los que se imparte



Duration: 60 ECTS, Full-Time Program, 9 months. Starts: October 2019


You will focus on business strategy, on how to manage digital projects, how to take data-driven decisions, how to lead complexity in digital environments, how to manage change and diversity in an organization and, how to drive business innovation.
During the Master in Digital Transformation Leadership, you will get a deep understanding of emerging technologies but also, you will understand how to manage winner business strategies in a digital world.
This program will permit you to lead digital transformation through:
  • Identify the major drivers of digital transformation in your industry.
  • Discover innovation capabilities to manage knowledge, generate insights and maximize business value in the digital economy.
  • Change management necessary for the organization to support digital-ready business.

Título obtenido

Awarded by the University of Barcelona. Ranked first university in Spain.


Thanks to our agreements with the digital industry, you will have the chance to live a professional experience in some of the top technology companies that have a partnership with the BTS ecosystem

Perspectivas laborales

The skills that you will gain will qualify you for a diverse range of job roles across any industry immersed in the digital transformation.


  • International insurance: Travel and medical insurance covers any incidence during the master.
  • Beach & sports club. Free access of 24.000 m2 of social and sports installation located on the beachfront of Barcelona.


Ventajas del curso

Student diversity groups at BTS reflects the industry need of talent: International diversity, Gender diversity (45% of BTS studens are women) and Background diversity

Bolsa de empleo

Tech industry is exploding and key digital companies need talent. Barcelona Technology School connects your career with the digital industry while brings you the most demanded digital knowledge


A Team of international experts. BTS most important value.
Master in Digital Transformation Leadership
Barcelona Technology School - BTS
  • Precios y Financiación
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  • Fecha límite matricularse en este programa
  • Duración y Lugar de estudio del programa
  • Documentos de admisión
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Campus y sedes: Barcelona Technology School - BTS
Barcelona Technology School - BTS
Ciudad de México (Distrito Federal)
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