Master in Tourism Management

Información del curso
The tourism industry is one of the most faceted, complex and fascinating ones in the business world; Rome Business School's Master in Tourism Management is designed to meet the specific needs of anyone wishing to direct their professional profile on this path, providing them with technical and managerial skills and and a thorough knowledge of the tourism business in order to start a career in it, both in the institutional and entrepreneurial sides of the industry. All within the framework of one of the most popular touristic locations: Rome, landmark of the Italian culture.
In addition, this master is available in online version, in order to offer quality learning wherever you want! We have more than 10 years in online learning education and we are member of Grupo Planeta, leader in providing programs in online mode, our "distance" courses offer all the contents of classroom learning, in order to use a complete and professionalizing experience.
Mind Opening & Knowledge Management Setting
- The first part of Rome Business School's Master in Tourism Management provides you with comprehensive preparation for the sector and crucial aspects of other related fields, initially giving a wide overview of the broader management world.
- Develop the competencies required to address and enhance new needs in different areas of the organization. Identify and develop effective managerial strategies for the Tourism industry.
- Learn about the best practices in innovation and leadership and how they can be effectively applied to the Tourism Industry.
- A team project aimed to develop a Management Report that solves a business problem or works on an opportunity in the area of tourism management of existing or fictitious companies in the Tourism Industry. All teams are guided from the very initial phase of the project.
If you are looking for top-quality advanced training in a particular business area, countless opportunities for skills development and testing yourself, ways to expand your professional network and make contact with elite professionals working in several business fields, we have exactly the program for you. From there, it's all up to you! Your determination and willingness to learn and experience new ways of thinking are all you need to make the most of one of our programs and start making your way along the path towards success in your career.
The admission process is aimed to verify the candidate's eligibility to attend the Master. The candidate's academic history, previous experiences in the topics covered in the Master and motivation will be matters of the evaluation.
Once it's sent, the application will be evaluated by the Rome Business School's academic committee. In order to ensure the application's suitability, it is important to deliver all of the required documentation.
Idiomas en los que se imparte
Rome Business School's Master in Tourism Management is designed the attendees with technical and managerial skills and a thorough knowledge of the tourism business in order to start a career in it, all within the framework of one of the most popular touristic locations: Rome, landmark of the Italian culture.