MO en Marketing, Comercialización y Revenue Management Hotelero (English)

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Precio 6.700 $
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The Ostelea School of Tourism & Hospitality
MO en Marketing, Comercialización y Revenue Management Hotelero (English)
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60 créditos
Precio 6.700 $


The Master in Marketing, Marketing and Online Revenue Management integrates the most innovative knowledge of online marketing, e-commerce and tourism marketing. This Master has been designed to be able to direct the hotel establishments and to assume the position of Ecommerce Director and Director of Revenue Manamgement, highly sought after in this highly competitive sector.
Ostelea is the only school that trains its students with the tools they use in most companies. The subjects have a totally practical approach.
The classes are taught in Online methodology in real time.


The Master in tourism marketing and revenue management Online of Ostelea is classified into 5 modules:
  • Market Structure, International Hotel Marketing and Strategic Management
  • Finance of the Hotel Sector, Finance for Marketing and Commercial
  • Tourist Marketing, Offline and Online
  • Ecommerce and Online Distribution. Revenue Manament and Hotel Pricing
  • Master's Thesis.
Market Structure, International Hotel Marketing and Strategic Management
  • Structure of the Tourist Market 3 Credits- Compulsory
  • International Hotel Marketing 3 Credits- Compulsory
  • Commercial Strategic Management 5 Credits- Compulsory
Finance of the Hotel Sector, Finance for Marketing and Commercial
  • Finance of the Hotel Sector 5 Credits- Compulsory
Tourist Marketing, Offline and Online
  • Offline Marketing and Traditional Marketing 6 Credits- Compulsory
  • Online Marketing and Innovation in Marketing 6 Credits- Compulsory
Management and Personal Skills
  • Management Skills and Leadership 4 Credits- Compulsory
  • Personal Skills and Personal Brand 4 Credits- Compulsory
Ecommerce and Online Distribution. Revenue Manament and Hotel Pricing
  • Ecommerce and Online Distribution 6 Credits- Compulsory
  • Revenue Management and Hotel Pricing 6 Credits- Compulsory
Master's Thesis
  • Master's Thesis 12 Credits - Compulsory
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The admission process ensures the candidates' suitability and, as a result, all of the participants can make the very most of this learning experience.

To begin the admission process, candidates must complete the information request form.

After that, Ostelea gets in contact with the candidate to schedule an interview, to which they must bring the following documentation:

  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Motivation letter
  • Two letters of recommendation
  • 3 years' professional experience

After completing the interview, Admissions Committee analyses the applications case by case and notifies the candidate of its decision and informs them of their admission status.

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The only program in Spain that combines the posstion of Ecommerce Director + Director of Revenue Management. Revenue is a field of marketing that emerged in the Tourism sector, and today is a reference for other sectors. In addition, it is a key factor in the income statement of any company. The students of the master can participate in the Afterwork cycle, an activity that connects them with the business world through meetings with entrepreneurs. They are necessary to advance in the different labor levels. The managerial skills will allow the student to face decisive moments in his career. In managerial positions it is necessary to know how to manage: people, teams, emotions, conflicts, negotiations.From the personal point of view, students must learn to create their own personal brand, manage their own network of contacts, write a good curriculum and respond appropriately to job interviews, among others.

Idiomas en los que se imparte



Duración: 10 meses, 60 créditos ECTS. Fecha de inicio: Octubre 2020.


It integrates the most innovative knowledge of online marketing, e-commerce and tourism marketing. This Master has been designed to be able to direct the hotel establishments and to assume the position of Ecommerce Director and Director of Revenue Management, highly sought after in this highly competitive sector.

Título obtenido

The participant who successfully completes the program will obtain Triple Title: Master in tourism marketing and revenue management, by the University of Lleida (Institutional) Master in tourism marketing and revenue management, by Ostelea School of Tourism & Hospitality (Institutional) Master in tourism marketing and revenue management, by EAE Business School (Institutional) In order to obtain the degrees, it is necessary to comply with the requirements requested by said institutions.


Ostelea offers candidates scholarships that consist of financial aid with the objective of supporting our students.
Each application will be studied independently, it will be granted during the admission process and it will be communicated personally by the Admissions Committee before the formalization of the registration.
Scholarships representing 100% of the total enrollment fee will not be awarded in any case.

The economic aid will be offered in the following cases:

  • Advance reservation of place.
  • Adequacy of the profile to the requirements of each program.
  • Former students of the school. In this case, a 25% discount will be applied to the enrollment.
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Precio 6.700 $
Precio del Máster: 6700 euros.

Lugar donde se imparte el curso

Online / En línea
MO en Marketing, Comercialización y Revenue Management Hotelero (English)
The Ostelea School of Tourism & Hospitality
  • Precios y Financiación
  • Información general
  • Fecha límite matricularse en este programa
  • Duración y Lugar de estudio del programa
  • Documentos de admisión
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Campus y sedes: The Ostelea School of Tourism & Hospitality
The Ostelea School of Tourism & Hospitality
Avenida Presidente Mazaryk 111 piso 3, Colonia Polanco V Sección, Delegación Miguel Hidalgo. Ciudad de México (Distrito Federal)
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