University Master's Degree in Research in Dentistry

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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya UIC
University Master's Degree in Research in Dentistry
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The Master's Degree in Research in Dentistry at the International University of Catalonia (Spain) aims to offer a blended learning, structured training for research in both the academic, industrial and clinical settings. 
The Faculty of Dentistry (UIC) advances every day in the field of basic and applied research, looking results with clinical responses to improve the efficiency of materials and techniques. This Master aims to deepen the research training and preparation prior to doctoral studies through a series of areas in which to fund advanced training topics are addressed in the current investigation of the different dental specialties. 
Through the research of the Departments of the Faculty of Dentistry, the close relationship with the Industry in the implementation of projects and equipping research laboratories create the right context to achieve this advanced training in Research in Dentistry.
Research Lines Faculty of Dentistry
The lines of research at the Faculty of Dentistry are a sign of the importance of training dentists who have research capacity and know how to use scientific methodology. The master students acquire the knowledge and methodology necessary to enter any of the research proposals. 
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The Master in Research in Dentistry (UIC) is structured in 60 ECTS and one academic year in which the students will acquire the skills required for clinical and basic research applied to dentistry and other Health Sciences. In addition, students will deeply go into concepts related to their final dissertation project, in order to offer greater specialization in applied basic and clinical research. 
The mode of this Master is Blended where students have access to educational platform via online to follow both the theoretical classes and participate in various activities. Master practices will face and will be concentrated in two weeks in the same month. The language of communication will be mostly in English (80% English, 20% Castilian). 

Methodology based on scientific evidence 18 ECTS:
This module brings obligatory subjects whose contents and methodologies are those of science. The student will acquire statistical basis for an appropriate experimental design, learn how to find scientific information systematically, you will learn the phases of research, develop habits to present and communicate the results scientifically. This module will prepare students to deal with issues related to human research, animal testing laboratory and ethical manner, respecting the law. In addition, students learn how to manage human and material resources to research and knowledge transfer to industry. 

Research Tools in Dentistry 18 ECTS:
This module consists of two mandatory subjects. It will provide the basis for the project and final project work within a line of work established by the Faculty of Dentistry. The students deepen clinical concepts of molecular biology, regenerative medicine or materials relating to the area of knowledge. 
In addition to full training in the areas of research, it is important that students attend and participate actively in scientific conferences in your field of interest to encourage the transfer of results to the rest of the scientific community.

The Final Master's Degree Project 24 ECTS:
This module integrates and evaluates most of the skills and competencies necessary to develop research and incorporated into a doctoral program. 
Under the guidance of a tutor, the student carries out the design of a research project leading to the final project work. In its development, the student develops methodological skills that will enable to carry out the practical part of the research, writing of memory research work and final project presentation of the results. 
In addition, the tutor will guide the student to research follow the guidelines of the Scientific Commission and the Ethics Committee for Clinical Research with methodological rigour, a critical analysis of the appropriate findings, and conclusions.

  • Advanced Biostatistics
  • Advanced Scientific Communication
  • Animal Experimentation
  • Basic Biostatistics
  • Basic Microbiology
  • Basic Molecular Biology
  • Basic Pharmacology
  • Bibliographic Research
  • Bioethics in Human and Animal Experimentation
  • Bioinformatics
  • Design of Clinical Studies and Clinical Trials
  • Epidemiology, Public Health and Qualitative Methodology
  • Experimental Techniques
  • Final Master's Degree Project
  • Final Master's Degree Project II
  • Industry-University Knowledge Transfer
  • Legislation and Biobanks
  • Molecular and Cellular Pathology
  • Pre-Clinical and Clinical Pharmacology
  • Principles of Bioethics
  • Research Methodology
  • Research Protocol
  • Scientific Communication I
  • Scientific Communication II
  • Scientific Contributions I
  • Scientific Contributions II
  • Search for Research Resources
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Competencias para las que te prepara el curso

The general and specific skills that students should acquire during their studies the Master's Degree in Research in Dentistry and Health Sciences in the UIC take into account the principles contained in Article 3.5 of Royal Decree 1393/2007 of 29 October, concerning respect for fundamental rights, equal opportunities and universal access for men, women and people with disabilities, to promote the values of a culture of peace and democratic values.


Admission criteria:
Access to the University Master's degree in Dentistry Research for new students is governed by an internal selection process in the UIC which involves passing internal entrance examinations and handing in specific documentation, while taking into account what is set out in article 16 of Royal Decree 1393/2007.
All candidates who meet the criteria and general requisites for access to the study programme will be able to apply for entry. However, the recommended entry profile is:
  • Degree holders in Dentistry, Medicine, Biology, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Pharmacy, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Veterinary Sciences or other study programmes from the field of health sciences.
  • A level of English that is equivalent to a B2.
  • An interest in science and research.
  • Good decision-making skills.
  • Discipline, a good memory and dedication.
  • A personality based on responsibility and solidarity.
  • Sensitivity and empathy for the pain felt by others.
  • Observation skills.
  • A good team-player.
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The lectures will be given on-line mode, using the Moodle version 2.6 software. This platform, whose use is widespread among national, European and international universities, provides the necessary tools to enhance the online learning.

Idiomas en los que se imparte



The main objective of the Master in Research in Dentistry is to provide the knowledge and tools needed to continue in a doctoral program in the field of health, following a methodology based on ethics and scientific evidence. 
To achieve this main objective, this Master will
  • Provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary for effective clinical and research materials in the field of dentistry skills.
  • Promote the acquisition of skills, attitudes and behaviors that facilitate scientific interaction with the environment to properly solve research problems.
  • Promote research in Dentistry and continuing education for the study of new techniques and improvements in the dental profession.
  • Provide the necessary tools to work together and coordinate multidisciplinary projects.


Consultar precio
Annual blended learing: 10,080 euros.


Master's director: Dr Lissethe Peñate. Programme coordinator: Dr Natalia Felipe.
University Master's Degree in Research in Dentistry
Universitat Internacional de Catalunya UIC
Campus y sedes: Universitat Internacional de Catalunya UIC
Universitat Internacional de Catalunya UIC
(Distrito Federal)
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